Published 20 Feb, 2022

One of the major concerns in the industrial sector is injuries caused during construction or manufacturing, and the human errors associated with these injuries cost organizations billions every year around the globe. Safety equipment is extremely essential to protect workers from injuries in each & every environment, but researchers over the years have found that many of these workers do not wear protective gear when necessary. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), the industrial sector can protect its workers better and ensure that all wear gears stay compliant with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols to avoid costly penalties and injuries.

Systems leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) with real-time object detection through image and video analysis can automate PPE policy enforcement. These systems can spot employees on a manufacturing floor or construction site who aren’t using — or incorrectly using — PPE, making management of these vital company policies more efficient and consistent. Moreover, tech solutions for PPE policy enforcement provide operations with an innovative solution for audits; the data they collect can automatically generate reports. Edge computing, specifically artificial intelligence at the perimeter, or “edge AI,” offers the potential to automate monitoring processes in real-time, eliminating the risk for human error. Real-time AI capabilities provide manufacturers with critical sensor data to help identify potential safety hazards and compliance violations within seconds. The image & video analysis in the Industrial/PPE sector helps to identify the following non compliances namely Helmet, Gloves, Harness, Shoes, Safety vest, Eyewear, etc.

Construction sites/ manufacturing units have cameras set up in strategic positions, and AI solutions can integrate with pre-existing monitoring including cameras to detect employees without protective gear. The AI algorithms can analyze workers’ on-camera and determine if they are wearing the right gear (e.g., helmets or goggles). Algorithms in AI are programmed to “learn,” which means that they can evolve over time as they continue to discover compliance issues. As more data is fed to the algorithms, management receives fewer false positives as the AI system gets better at recognizing employees missing their PPE gear.

AI-powered worker safety solutions are a habit-building and support tool: notifications on violations may not necessarily cause penalties; rather, they remind workers about what they already know — be vigilant, stay safe, and follow regulations. AI just helps reinforce the safety and security message through technology.

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