DepScan 3D

Stereoscopic Vision Technology

By utilising advanced Stereoscopic Vision technology, DepScan conducts depth-based comparisons using side cameras to capture various perspectives of a vehicle’s undercarriage

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Product Information


Vehant’s DepScan is a revolutionary technology in the field of security, offering enhanced efficiency. By utilising advanced stereoscopic vision technology, DepScan conducts depth-based comparisons using multiple side-by-side cameras to capture various perspectives of a vehicle’s undercarriage. This system generates a 3D model based on point cloud data, providing valuable depth information through a disparity map.

This technology is similar to human binocular vision. In traditional UVSS, underbelly scanning involves inspection of the ‘x-y’ axis. However, this new advanced technology also captures a third dimension, the ‘z’ axis, to differentiate between the usual underside and any foreign object by analysing the object’s depth. DepScan features an advanced and user-friendly GUI.

Product Features
  • Advanced stereoscopic vision technology
  • Generates point cloud based 3D Model
  • Gives relative depth information
  • High resolution composite COLOR image
  • Improves operators efficiency time
  • Database entry & reporting features
  • Secured password protection

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