Driver on Phone

Vehant’s ‘Driver on Phone’ solution is an AI-driven solution designed for traffic management and enforcement

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Product Information


Vehant’s ‘Driver on Phone’ solution is an AI-driven solution designed for traffic management and enforcement. It detects and captures instances of drivers using mobile phones while driving, ensuring road safety and compliance with traffic regulations. By leveraging advanced video analytics, this innovative system helps authorities monitor and reduce distracted driving, ultimately enhancing overall urban traffic safety.

Salient Features
  • Real-Time Detection: Instantly identifies drivers using mobile phones while driving.
  • AI-Driven Analytics: Utilizes advanced AI and computer vision to accurately detect violations.
  • High Accuracy: Ensures high precision in capturing and identifying offenders, minimizing false positives.
  • Scalability: Easily integrates with existing ANPR system and scales across multiple locations.
  • Non-Intrusive Monitoring: Operates without interfering with trafficflow or causing disruptions.
  • Compliance Support: Helps enforce traffic laws and improve compliance, promoting safer driving behaviors.
  • Data Integration: Seamlessly integrates with vehicular databases for fetching vehicle details for further challaning.

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