AI powered Video Analytics Solutions for PPE Detection

PPEye serves the end users by providing customer value in terms of cost saving, liability reduction and employee safety.

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Product Information


PPEye, an advanced PPE Monitoring System, offers an innovative solution using AI and Computer Vision technology to analyze images and detect potential hazards and violations related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This powerful platform is designed to be deployed in various settings, including shop floors, construction sites, and production premises, catering to the needs of customers in manufacturing, process, chemical, and construction sectors.

One of the key features of PPEye is its ability to identify cases of non-compliance where workers and employees are not using the required PPE correctly. By leveraging Automatic Detection of PPE, the platform helps organizations ensure that safety protocols are followed and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

It is important to note that safety concerns in shop floor and production site environments contribute significantly to the overall compliance cost for Health and Safety Departments in manufacturing and construction organizations, accounting for approximately 25-30% of the total expenses. Adhering to the guidelines set by ISO 45001 (OHSAS), these firms prioritize occupational safety and hazard prevention as integral requirements.

With PPEye, businesses can proactively address PPE-related risks and improve safety standards across their operations. By leveraging advanced image analytics capabilities, this Detection of PPE with Video Analytics AI-driven solution enables organizations to enhance their safety protocols, protect their workforce, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Salient Features
  • Safety Helmet detection
  • Safety Jacket/vest detection
  •  Face mask and safety goggles detection via PPE detection
  •  Safety shoes and gloves detection Access-control enabled solutions (for entry and exit)
  •  AI enabled smart PPE violation detection platform
  •  Floor safety and fire detection Worker loitering monitoring and detection

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