Disruptive technology in X-ray screening

KritiScan X-Ray Screening Systems

Through our wide range of Multi-energy X-ray Baggage Scanners, we offer customers contemporary security solutions. The X-ray baggage scanner classifies materials scanned based on their composition. Recognized as leading X-ray Baggage Machine Manufacturers, we aim to address the primary challenge faced by operators i.e. identifying the materials. Our products ease this by displaying colors on the screen, determined by the atomic number of the materials scanned. This helps operators differentiate between materials such as metals, powder, plastic, and liquid.


Why Kritiscan X-Ray Scanner?

Our Multi-energy X-Ray Baggage Scanners use advanced technology to provide security solutions. Color imaging allows security personnel to identify metals, powder, plastic, and liquids in X-ray parcel scanner & luggage more clearly, enhancing their understanding. This technology of X-ray Baggage Inspection System helps security personnel perform their duties with  improved efficiency.

History of X-Ray Baggage Scanners

  • Baggage scanning became prevalent after 9/11 and Mumbai blasts.
  • Security checks were manually conducted before widespread adoption.
  • First used in airports in the 1900s, conventional X-rays produced shadowy images.
  • Modern baggage scanner machines use dual-energy X-rays for improved imaging.
  • Computed Tomography (CT), used in hospitals, is now integrated for superior image quality.

Application Of X-Ray Baggage Scanners

Ideal for seamless scanning of hand baggage & checked-in baggage at checkpoints, in high-security premises such as airports, government offices, railways, MRTS, malls, events, hotels and other premises applications.


X-Ray Screening Solutions

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